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Oct 26, 2020

In Part 2, of this three-part interview, Dr. Artrell Harris says that we need critical conversations - intra and inter-racially. He also talks about the challenge of discipleship in the black church.


Music: ·Fearless First· by Kevin MacLeod. Used by permission. License #: FML-48466-4778

Oct 19, 2020

In Part 1, of this three-part interview, Dr. Artrell Harris joins Andy to have a discussion on race relations in the midst of the challenges of 2020.  As Dr. Harris says, we must be comfortable discussing the uncomfortable.

Music: ·Fearless First· by Kevin MacLeod. Used by permission. License #: FML-48466-4778

Oct 12, 2020

Sam Bierig joins Andy to talk about student ministry and his recent book, Fulfill Your Student* Ministry, in the second part of a two-part interview.

Note: The interview contains a couple of issues due to technical glitches, but the overall content is fine.


Music from, ·Fearless First· by...

Oct 5, 2020

Sam Bierig joins Andy to talk about student ministry and his recent book, Fulfill Your Student* Ministry, in the first part of a two-part interview.

Note: The interview contains a couple of issues due to technical glitches, but the overall content is fine.

Music from, ·Fearless First· by...